Top Three Diet Changes To Boost Your Immune System

PSA - IMPROVING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WITH FOOD CHANGES IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE OR BORING! In fact, beyond just FEELING better you will realize that these changes actually TASTE better than what you are use to… 

Much of the Standard American Diet (SAD) is not doing your immune system any favors. In fact, the SAD may be decreasing your immune function and increasing the likelihood that you end up with an infection or virus. Not good…especially in times when the risk is so high.

While it is hard for many individuals to swing their dietary pendulum from the SAD to a nutrient-dense, whole foods diet there are a few minor swaps and additions that can be done to get your body headed in the right direction.

The easiest change you can make is simply drinking enough water. Adequate water intake not only ensures the health of your mucus membranes (which stops pathogens and dirt from entering the body, and prevents bodily tissue and organs from becoming dry and damaged), but also keeps your cells hydrated and protected and eliminates waste from the body.

When your body is able to readily remove toxic products from the body it can focus on other health-building actions such as immune function. My top two tips for water intake include:

  • Get enough according to your body and movement/diuretic intake. Learn more about your individual water need HERE!

  • Invest in a water filter. It can be as inexpensive as a Brita pitcher, or something more advanced like a Reverse Osmosis water filter.


The second change is avoiding hydrogenated oils and trans fats. While much of what we read tells us to “avoid fats” they fail to let us know that healthy fats are a GREAT idea for optimal health (i.e. brain health, keeping us full longer, and more reasons that I am going to address in this blog).

Healthy fats should make up 20-60% of a person’s dietary intake. Obviously this is a big range, but it is because the ideal amount varies from person to person based on age, gender, size, activity level, and more. Working with a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner or another provider can help you find the percentage that works best for YOUR body.

 When consuming fats it is extremely important that we are avoiding the bad fats, or “Franken-Fat.” These include…

  • Hydrogenated fats and oils

  • Partially hydrogenated fats and oils

  • Trans fats


These "Franken-Fats" are linked to health complications such as heart disease, pain & inflammation, and even cancer. Not only that, but there may be a link between trans fat consumption and ADD, depression, fatigue and skin problems. 

Furthermore, our precious immune system is impacted on a day-to-day basis by the ingestion of trans fats because they’re absorbed into our cells, making them less resistant to bacteria and viruses.

Be on the lookout for foods that contain trans fats and hydrogenated oils (i.e. canola oil, soybean oil, vegetable oil). Many times these show up in salad dressings, dipping sauces, most chips and fried snacks, mayonnaise, margarine, and other packaged and processed foods.

Instead, purchase sauces/dressings and oils for cooking including:

  • Avocado oil

  • Olive oil

  • Coconut oil

  • Flax oil (use in sauces/dressings rather than cooking with them)


The final change is one I truly never thought I could conquer: Avoiding refined sugar. I know what you are thinking…”Impossible!” As a MAJOR sweet tooth, I never thought I would be satisfied with anything other than sugary goodies.

Thank goodness I was wrong! 

Did you know that the average worldwide consumption of processed sugar is 160 per person per year? Holy smokes that is a LOT of sugar…

"Why is that such a problem?”

Aside from weight gain from increased insulin and adrenal hormone production, it also…

  • Causes the body to expel essential minerals

  • Increases the body’s need for vitamins B & C (Both important for optimal immune health!!!!)

  • Increases emotional stress

  • Feeds yeast and other bowel organisms, which may increase internal toxins, irritate the lining of the GI tract, and decrease helpful bacteria (PSA: Did you know 70% of your immune system lives in your gut lining, and even more may be within the GI tract?!)

  • Causes blood-sugar swings, which increases stress on the pancreas

  • Can increase pain & inflammation throughout the body

  • Can aggravate allergies, asthma, irritable bowel, migraine headaches, fatigue, depression, and MORE!!!

Ay, caramba!

Thankfully, there is good news! The more you avoid sugars, the less you actually crave and enjoy them. It may be hard to believe, but from a recovered sugar-addict, I want to tell you it is absolutely possible.

As you transition your diet away from refined sugars, you can include alternatives in your baking, cooking, and day-to-day treats.

Instead of white sugars, use (and look for in ingredients lists):

  • Maple Syrup

  • Raw Honey

  • Dates or Date Syrup

  • Coconut Sugar

  • Coconut Nectar

  • Blackstrap Molasses

  • Stevia (be careful, this is MUCH sweeter than refined sugar)


Oh and PS - Don’t even get me started on artificial sweeteners, high-fructose corn syrup, and sugar alcohols…these should be equally, if not MORE avoided than regular white sugar. If you have more questions about this, I am happy to answer 😉 

Optimal health leads to many positives in life, including a strong immune system, which seems more important than ever. These three changes can make DRASTIC improvements to your immune system, and overall health if you choose to implement them.

Start here, and when you are ready to take further steps to ensure your daily dietary intake is optimal for your overall health shoot me an email ( I’d be beyond happy to help you.

Be strong. Be faithful. Be graceful and loving. Especially to yourself. Be well.

 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. - Joshua 1:9


(Nutritional Therapy Association, personal communications, April 1, 2020)